Sremska Mitrovica 2014
Auto Moto Club "Veteran Sremac" from Sremska Mitrovica, a city a located in the Vojvodina province, of Serbia, and its president Peter Nunižaba has organized a special collection of historic vehicles.
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Auto moto klub „Veteran Sremac“ iz Sremske Mitrovice i njegov predsednik Petar Nunižaba odlično su organizovali ovogodičnji skup starovremenskih vozila.
Na platou u centru grada okupuo se veliki broj učesnika iz Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine, Mađarske, Švedske i Srbija.
Najstariji automobil na skupu bio je Willys Knight model 56 Roadster iz 1929.
Čini se da je najviše bilo proizvoda firme Mercedes Benz.
Verovatno najekskluzivniji automobil bio je Mercedes Benz 300 SEL 3.5 iz 1971., W 109, velika luksuzna limuzina opremljena velikim V8 motorom, sa automatskim menjačem, sa skoro sportskim performansama. U svoje vreme to je bio izbor bogatih.
Među ekskluzivnijim učesnicima bio je i Mercedes Benz 230 Automatic, W 114, sa produženim međuosovinskim rastojanjem, staklenom pregradom između vozača i ostalog dela kabine, sa trećim redom sedišta, od kojih je drugi red sklopiv, sa držačima zastava na prednjim krilima. Ovaj automobil je bio deo kolone vozila koja su pratila automobil kojim se vozio Josip Broz Tito i u njemu su se vozile važne ličnosti, ali nešto nižeg ranga.
Bilo je tu i još nekoliko automobila Mercedes Benz, modeli W 110, reponje, W 114 i W 115. Od sportskih modela bili su tu Mercedes Benz 190 SL i Mercedes Benz 280 SL Automatic, oba u izvanrednom stanju. Društvo im je pravio noviji model 300 SEC.
Bilo je i nekoliko odlično očuvanih Fića, Zastava 600 D i Zastava 750, stariji modeli sa kontra vratima.
Po brojnosti odmah za njima bili su automobil firme Opel, model Olympia, nekoliko modela Rekord raznih godišta, model Kadett, model GT.
Čast dvotaktnih motora branio je odlično očuvani IFA Wartburg 311 iz 1966., a francuskih Citoen Ami 6.
Najstariji motocikl bio je Harley-Davidson C iz 1930.
Jak pljusak omeo je učesnike da se u organizovanoj koloni provozaju gradom, pa su se svi uputili ka rezervatu prirode Zasavica.
Tu je sve učesnike prvo pozdravio Petar Munižaba, predsednik kluba domaćina, a zati Dalibor Ružić, predsednik Srpskog saveza za istorijska vozila (SSIVA-SFHV).
Miroslav Milutinović, član Udruženja istoričara automobilizma, govorio je o svojoj knjizi „Automobili i dinastoija Karađorđevića 1908 - 1941.“. Radi se o izvanrednom raduu, punom istorijskih činjenica, punom retkih i dragocenih fotografija. Njegovo izlaganje bilo je ilustrovano fotografijama nekih od najekskluzivnijih automobila u istoriji automobilizma. Za svoje izleganje i knjigu bio je nagrađen burnim aplauzom učesnika.
Dragan Dragoj Draguljče, dugogodišnji učesnik moto-trka veterana, na motociklu sa prikolicom, na stazama kod nas i u Evropi, uručio je specijalno priznanje Petru Munižabi i Auto moto klubu „Veteran Sremac“ za dugogodišnju pomoć u njegovim nastupima, posebno u najtežim momentima.
On the broad sweeping center, a large number of entrants from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Sweden and Serbia all gathered with their machines. The oldest car in the rally was a 1929 Willys Knight Model 56 Roadster.
MG Miget with USA 'safety bumper'
BMW Alpina
Fiat X19
Morris Minor Van
There were a few additional Mercedes Benz models; W 110, W 114 and W 115 with 2 sports models, a Mercedes Benz 190 SL and 280 SL Mercedes Benz Automatic, both in great condition.
Also in line were a several models of Olympia, Kadett, and GT Opel's and a well preserved 1966 IFA Wartburg 311
There were several excellent preserved Fića Zastava 600 D and Zastava 750, older models with counter opening doors. (Fića is nickname of a former Yugoslavia Zastava model based on the Fiat. Zastava had a factory in Kragujevac, Serbia. Ed.).
There were still a few Mercedes Benz models W 110, W 114 and W 115 From sports cars were the Mercedes Benz 190 SL and Mercedes Benz 280 SL Automatic, both in great condition. Society they made the newer model 300 SEC.
The oldest car in the rally was a 1929 Willys Knight Model 56 Roadster.
"That's what I want when I get a bit bigger"
"That is almost my size"
Opel Kadett
BMW 3.3 L
Mercedes Benz
.... and a French Citoën Ami
Alfa Romeo Sprint
Probably the most exclusive car was a 1971 Mercedes Benz 300 SEL 3.5 - W 109, a large luxury sedan with a V8 engine with an automatic transmission, with almost sports performance. In its time it was the choice of the wealthy.
Also among the participants was more exclusive and Mercedes Benz 230 Automatic, 114 W, with an extended wheelbase, with a glass partition between the driver and the rest of the cabin, and a third row of seats, of which the second row folded, and flag holders on the front wings. This car was part of a convoy of vehicles that followed Josip Broz Tito's car.
The oldest motorcycle was a 1930 Harley-Davidson C.
Heavy downpour hampered the drive through the city as they all headed for the Zasavica nature reserve. There all the participants welcomed Peter Munižaba, president of the club, Dalibor Ružić, president of the Serbian Association for historic vehicles (SSIVA-SFHV).
Miroslav Milutinović, a member of Association of Historians of motoring, spoke about his book "Cars and dynasties Karađorđevića 1908 - 1941". It is a remarkable read, full of historical facts and rare and precious photographs. His presentation was illustrated with photographs of some of the most exclusive cars in the history of Motorsports. Miroslav and the book was rewarded with thunderous applause from the participants.
Dragan Dragoj Draguljče,, a longtime participant in veterans motorcycle racing on the trails here and in Europe, presented a special award to Petru Munižabi an AMK "Veteran Sremac" for long-term assistance in his competition, especially in the most difficult moments.