Photos and story provided by
Ljubomir Ivanovic.
English translation by Google, with some editing.
Druženje sa Fić:om (po drugi put)
Na platou ispred Muzeja istorije Jugoslavije okupili su se učesnici manifestacija
2. Druženje sa Fić:om.
Pravo mesto za ovakvu manifestaciju.
Fić:a je, sa jedne strane, pomogao motorizaciji Jugoslavije i Jugoslovena, približio more i planine, rođake i prijatelje.
Sa druge, pomogao industrijskom razvoju čitave Jugoslavije, jer su se komponente za njega proizvodile u svim krajevima Jugoslavije.
Krajem 60' i početkom 70' sa njegovim masovnim uključenjem u auto sport, Nacionalna klasa, počinju zlatne godine jugoslovenskog auto sporta, koje nažalost nisu trajale dugo.
Fić:a se po licenci italijanskog Fiata proizvodio u Kragujevcu od 1955. pa sve do 1985., za koje vreme proizvedeno skoro milion vozila, lep broj i u svetskim merilima.
Prvobitna zapremina motora Fiata 600 bila je 633 ccm, da bi 1960. bila poveć:ana na 767 ccm., Fiat 600 D, kod nas Zastava 750. Od 1980. pošinje se sa ugradnjom motora zapremine 843 ccm, Zastava 850.
Glavna karoserijska izmena izvršena je 1968. kada su kontra vrata, takozvana samoubilačka, zamenjena normalinim vratima.
Na početku proizvodnje prednji šmigavci su se nalazili gore na krilu, slično VW Bubi, da bi se kasnije spustili na donji deo krila. I farovi su u početku bili manji, kasnije zamenjeni već:im. Tokom proizvodnje izgubio je ukrasne lajsne, koje su bile okrivljene za pojavu korozije na sajtnama.
Posetioci manifestacije imali su prilike da pogledaju Fiat 500 C iz 1954., vlasništvo Branka Milera,
predhodnika Fić:e, Fiata 600. Oko njega se i skupljalo najviše posetilaca.
Najstariji Fić:a na skupu, jedini sa kontra vratima, bio je Fić:a iz 1964., vlasništvo Zorana Terzić:a. Automobil je u odličnom stanju, pa je i osvojio nagradu publike za najsimpatičnijeg Fić:u.
Na skupu je bio još jedan proizvod Crvene Zastave iz Kragujevca, Fiat 1300 iz 1965., vlasništvo Dragana Bojković:a. Bio je to početak proizvodnje ovog modela kada je od italijanskih delova vršeno njegovo sklapanje u Kragujevcu. Kasnije počinje usvajanje sve već:eg broja delova u Jugoslaviji.
Na skupu je bilo oko četrdesetak Fić:a, uglavnom u dobrom stanju, ali je relativno mali broj u originalnom, bez nekih izmena.
Naravno, Fić:a, odnosno Fiat 600, od samog početka proizvodnje bio je predmet izmena prema željama i moguć:nostima vlasnika, bilo u sopstvenoj režiji bilo kod specijalizovanih firmi. Najpoznatiji i najuspešniji kod sređivanja bio je čuveni Abart (Abarth), svojevremeno san mladih Jugoslovena. Njega su najčešć:e i vlasnici Fić:a kopirali u sopstvenoj režiji. I na ovom skupu bilo je nekoliko Fić:a urađenih u duhu Abarta.
Posetioci manifestacije su mogli i da kupe model Zastave 750, proizveden u Kini. Jedan stariji posetilac prodavao je delove za Fić:u.
If this is the engine, what is under the hood?
The Second Socializing with Fica
All the participants gathered a the front of the Museum of Yugoslav History. It was the right place for such an event.
FICA helped the motorization of Yugoslavia and Yugoslavs close to the sea and mountains. Also it helped the industrial development of the whole of Yugoslavia, because the components it produced allover Yugoslavia.
In late 1960 and early 70s with its massive involvement in auto sports, the National class, began the golden years of the Yugoslav auto sports, which unfortunately did not last long.
One theme, Many variations
FICA is licensed by the Italian Fiat produced in Kragujevac from 1955 until the 1985, and during that time produced nearly one million vehicles, a nice number at any measure.
In the 1960s the original Fiat 600 engine capacity was 633 cc. It was then increased to 767 cc for the Fiat 600 D, and the Flag 750. After 1980, the engine capacity increase to 843 cc for the 850 Flag.
The core body modifications were performed in 1968 when the counter opening door, so-called suicide, replaced normal door.
At the beginning of the production front mirrors were placed up on the wing, like VW Bubi, and later landed on the lower part of the wing. The headlights were initially smaller, later replaced by larger lights. Also during the production the decorative strips were deleted as they were blamed for corrosion.
Visitors to the event had the opportunity to look at the 1954 Fiat 500 C of Branka Miller.
A Fiat 600 the FICA predecessor gather the most visitors. The oldest FICA on a display and the only one with the counter door, was FICA from 1964 owned by Zoran Terzic. The car is in excellent condition and he won the Audience Award.
At the gathering was another product of red flags from Kragujevac, Fiat 1300 . 1965, owned by Dragana Bojković . It was the start of production of this model when parts of the Italian Fiat ended in Kragujevac. Later came the adoption of an increasing number of parts from Yugoslavia.
At the show was about forty FICA, generally in good condition, but the relatively small number in original form or without any changes.
The Zastava 750 was made by the Serbian car maker Zavod Crvena Zastava in Kragujevac and a version of the Fiat 600 made under licence since 1965. The 750 however was longer in length than the Fiat version. The Zastava 750 had a 767 cc engine and is the smallest car ever made by Zastava. In 1980, the engine capacity was increased and it was called the Zastava 850. The 850 had the same body as the Zastava 750. The Zastava 850 is harder to find than the 750 model but both are still widely available in former Yugoslavia.
A nice Fiat...
... with the look of the BMW 2002
1954 Fiat 500 C
Changing the wheels is an easy whay to give a car a unique look.
Of course, FICA, or Fiat 600, from the very beginning was the subject of modifications to the needs and capabilities of the owner, either at their own expense or by any of the specialized companies. The most famous and most successful of the period specialized company, was the famous Abart ( Abarth), once the dream of young Yugoslavs. At this meeting, there were several FICA done in the spirit of Abart.
Zastava 850
The 'suicide door' design. Typical of 1940s through 1960s cars. Easy to get into and out of when the car is stopped but a huge problem if the door opens while the car is moving.
The yellow car is a Zastava 750
It is always a good plan to have spare parts with you when traveling.
One elderly visitor was selling parts for Fiću.
Visitors to the event and were able to buy a model Zastava 750, manufactured in China.
A circle of friends.