Images© and story© provided by Ljubomir Ivanović Contact Photographer For Information on Photos of this Event
Collectibles related to cars and vehicles in general are highly developed in the world. Items collector's recover are different, ranging from small models, vintage vehicles, through exclusive expensive supercars, and license plates.
And the value of collections and funds invested are different, from a few tens of euros, to over a few hundred, to tens of millions of euros, and more. Of course, the richest people and the biggest collectors with largest collections, are the likes of Bernie Ecclestone, ...
Obrenovac - 2. Susret kolekcionara registarskih tablica 2014
Kolekcionarstvo u vezi sa automobilima i prevoznim sredstvima, uopšte, veoma je razvijeno u svetu.
Predmeti kolekcionarske pažnje i sakupljanja su različiti, počevši od malih modela, starovremenskih vozila, preko ekskluzivnih skupih super automobila, pa do registarskih tablica.
I vrednosti kolekcija i uloženih sredstava su različiti, od nekoliko desetina Eura, preko nekoliko stotina do nekoliko desetina miliona Eura, pa i više. Naravno, najbogatiji ljudi su i najveći kolekcionari sa navrednijim kolekcijama, Bernie Ecclestone...
Za neke je to ozbiljan posao sa pozamašnim investiranjem i očekivanjem velikih zarada. Sve zavisi od interesovanja, želja i mogućnosti kolekcionara.
For some it is a serious business with a substantive investment and expectation of good returns. It all depends on the interest, desire and ability collectors.
Sakupljanje registarskih tablica vozila je relativno nepoznata grana kolekcionarstva vezana za motorna vozila i prevozna sredstva uopšte. Jer nekada, a i sada, bicikli i zaprežna vozila su imali svoje registarske tablice.
Posebno je razvijeno u Velikoj Britaniji, Australiji i Kanadi, a udruženja kolekcionara iz ovih zemalja izdaju bogato ilustrovanje časopise sa obrađenim temama iz celog sveta, pa i iz našeg regiona.
Collecting license plates of vehicles is a relatively unknown branch of collectibles related to motor vehicles and means of transport in general. In the past as now, bicycles and animal-drawn vehicles had their license plates. It is especially developed in the UK, Australia and Canada, and the Association of Collectors of these countries issue rich illustrated magazines with topics that are discussed around the world, even from our region.
Ovo je kolekcionarstvo koje ne traži prevelika materijalna ulaganja. Registraske tablice, uglavnom, imaju vrednost od 10 do 50 Eura, a većinom se do njih dolazi menjanjem sa dugim kolekcionarima.
Oldtajmer klub „Kurbla" iz Obrenovca organizovao je 2. Skup kolekcionara registarskih tablica.
Osnivači ovog kluba su kolekcionari strovremenskih vozila otac i sinovi, Milan, Marko i Dragan.
These are collectibles that does not require too much investment. License plates could have a value of 10 to 50 Euros, and mostly purchased from long time collectors.
Njihova kolekcija broji preko 3.000 registarskih tablica, od kojih su najstarije iz 30-tih godina prošlog veka, iz vremena Kraljevine jugoslavije. U njihovoj kolekciji najmanje su zastupljene železničke tablice.
Njihova kolekcija starovremenskih vozila broji preko 100 primeraka, u različitom stanju, od hrpe gvožđa do restaurirairanih primeraka.
Nedavne poplave su im pričinile najveću štetu kod dokumentacije, papir je ipak najosetljiviji na vlagu.
Oldtimer club "Kurbla" from Obrenovac organized a second group of license plate collectors. The founders of this club, also collectors of vintage vehicles, are father and sons, Milan, Marko and Dragan. Their collection includes over 3,000 license plates, of which the oldest is from the 30's of the last century, from the time of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In their collection are least represented in the train table.
Ovogodišnjem skupu prisustvovalo je oko tridesetak kolekcionari iz Slovenije, Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine, Australije i Srbije.
Cilj ovih okupljanja je širenje ove grane kolekcionarstva, pre svega u regionu, jer su nekada svi živeli u istoj državi.
Their collection from vintage vehicles has more than 100 examples in a various conditions, from piles of iron to restored copies. Recent floods have damage some and in the paper documentation are the most sensitive to moisture.
Predmet sakupljanja ovih kolekcionara su registarske tablice iz celog sveta, ali pre svega registarske tablice iz regiona.
Kolekcionari su u redovnom kontaktu tokom cele godine, razmenjuju se iskustva, obaveštava se o novitetima iz kolekcija, duplikatima registarskih tablica, željama za razmenu...
This year's conference was attended by about thirty collectors from Slovenia, Croatian, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Australia.
Jedan od većih kolekcionara iz Hrvatske nije mogao da prisustvuje ovogodišnjem skupu, pa je poštom organizatorima poslao vredne registarske tablice iz 1940. godine.
Svi su zainteresovani za širenje kruga kolecionara, pa sve zainteresovane pozivaju da ih kontaktiraju
kako bi im pružili pomoć u nastajanju zbirki i njihovom povećanju.
The purpose of these gatherings is to spread this branch of collecting, especially in the region, because once all lived in the same state.
The subject of these collections are license plates from all over the world, but the license plates from the region are the most coveted.
Collectors are in regular contact throughout the year, exchanging experiences, information and news about the collecting, sharing duplicate license plates, and exchanges ...
One of the biggest collectors in Croatia was unable to attend this year's event, and sent by post a valuable license plate from 1940.
They all are interested in expanding the range of collecting, and all interested parties are invited to contact them to provide assistance in developing collections and mark-ups.