I Međunarodni reli oldtajmer vozila 2013
Oldtajmer klub Beograd organizovao je "I Međunarodni reli oldtajmer vozila 2013", jedan lep događaj sa puno interesantnih i vrednih učesnika.
Događaj je počeo izložbom vozila na platou ispred opštine Zvezdara, tradicionalnom mestu za okupljanje događaja u organizaciji Oldtajmer kluba Beograd.
Iz Crne Gore na skup su došli Radoš Cvijović: i njegov crveni Opel Kapitan, proizveden 1952. Automobil je uz puno truda doveden u odlično stanje. Na skup je iz Podgorice auto stigao auto-vozom. Godine su pritisle, kaže Radoš, sve manje ide na ovakve skupove, ali Bora ga je pozvao i hteo je da ga ispoštuje. Mislio je na Boru Nastasić:a, predsednika Oldtajmer kluba Beograd. Zbog toga auto je na prodaju, nažalost. To je odlična prilika, sa druge strane, za ljubitelje ovakvih vozila da dođu do jednog izvanrednog starovremenskog automobila. Na ovom skupu društvo mu je pravio Dašo Dragović:, predsednik Oltimer club-a Ulcinium iz Ulcinja. Lepa prilika da se sretne sa prijateljima i naprave dogovori za sledeć:a okupljanja. Klub iz Ulcinja svake godine organizuje lep skup starovremenskih vozila, pa je prilika da dogovori dolazak što već:eg broja gostiju.
Od Opelovih automobila tu je bila jedna Olympia iz 1952. i još jedan Kapitan iz 1962.
Sašo Hrovat iz Slovenije doterao je izuzetan kabriolet Daimler Barker DB 18 Sport Special iz 1951.
Članovi Oldtajmer kluba Zagreb Marijan Matečić: i Josip Smolković: doterali su Fiat 500 C Belvedere iz 1954. i Alga Romeo Giulietta Spider iz 1960, oba u izvanrednom stanju.
Rajko Hlanuda iz Opatije došao je sa Mercedes Benzom 280 SL Automatik, Pagoda, iz 1968. Na skupu mu je društvo pravio Sait Hadžič sa istim takvim automobilom, druge boje.
Miklavž Kržišnik iz Slovenije doterao je Austin Healey 100 - 6 BN4 iz 1958., takođe u odličnom stanju.
Najstariji američki automobil bio je Willys Knight iz 1927., firme koja ć:e se kasnije proslaviti proizvodnjom džipova, vlasništvo Branka Bogdanović:a.
Bora Nastasić: je došao sa Pontiac Star Chief-om iz 1954, a njegov brat Nikola Nastasić: sa automobilom Chrysler Airstream iz 1936. Američko društvo im je pravio Cadillac de Ville Series 62 iz 1957., V 8 motor, 5300 ccm, 320 ks, tešina 2.500 kg, vlasništvo Slobodana Nikolić:a. Auto je prešao samo 26.000 milja, na njemu je sve originalno, i gume. Kupljen je u čortanovcima i zadnjih 45 godina je bio u garaži. Od američkih automobila bio je tu i jedan kabriolet Ford Mustang
prve generacije. Pritiskom na dugme vlasnik je otvorio platneni krov. Gost iz Opatije je na svom Mercedesu to morao da uradi ručno. Ali šta je bolje i praktičnije.
Lep skup američkih automobila čija je osnovna karakteristika velika dimenzija i puno hroma.
Milorad čolović: iz Zemuna je došao sa svojim Spačekom, Citoen 2CV, iz 1968., sa kojim se svakodnevno vozi. Od Citroen-ovih vozila društvo su mu pravila još jedna Spaček, dva čuvena modela DS, njegov naslednik CX i jedan izvanredni Citroen SM iz 1973., sa Maseratijevim V 6 motorom, 2.800 ccm, 180 ks, jedan od najintrigantnijih automobila u istoriji, koji je odmah mogao da se kupi.
Porsche je bio zastuljen sa dva automobila, modeli 356 i 911.
Britanska auto industrija je bila zastupljena sa više Triumph-a Spitfire i jednim TR6, Rolls Royce Silver Shadow-om, Morris Oxford-om Diesel iz 1950., vlasništvo Zorana Trpković:a, i jednim MGA.
Gosti iz Mađarske su pojačali Britance sa jednim lepim Jaguar-om E-type i Triumph Spitfire-om.
Auto industrija bivšeg DDR-a bila je tu sa Wartburg-om 312 iz 1966., vlasništvo Srđana Rakić:a.
Bilo je i nekoliko motocikala, između ostalih Moto Guzzi Nuovo Falcone iz 1973.
Sa platoa kolona se uputila ka Pančevu, uz posetu muzeju motocikala, pa nazad za Beograd na plato ispred skupštine grada. Sutradan vožnja do Muzeja vazduhoplovstva, pa na hipodrom.
Vidimo se.
(Translation by Google)
1 International Rally oldtimer cars 2013
Oldtimer club Belgrade organized the "1 International Rally oldtimer cars in 2013", a nice event with a lot of interesting and valuable participants.
The event began the exhibition of vehicles on the square in front of the municipality Zvezdara, a traditional gathering place for events organized by the Club Oldtimers Belgrade.
From Montenegro to this event came Rados Cvijović: his red Opel Kapitan, produced 1952nd The car is with a lot of effort put into excellent condition. On the set of the car arrived in Podgorica auto-train. In the Push says Rados, fewer go to these meetings, but Bora called him and he wanted to honor him. He was referring to Bor Nastasic, president oldtimers club Belgrade. Because of this car is for sale, unfortunately. This is a great opportunity, on the other hand, for those who love these cars to come to an emergency starovremenskog car. At this meeting, the company had made Daso Dragovic, president Oltimer Club Ulcinium from Ulcinj. Fancy the chance to meet with friends and make arrangements for the next meeting. Club Ulcinj each year organizes a nice collection starovremenskih vehicles, and an opportunity to arrange the arrival of as many guests.
Since Opel cars there was one from Olympia 1952 and another Kapitan from 1962.
Saso Hrovat from Slovenia have driven the outstanding convertible Daimler Barker DB 18 Special Sports from 1951.
Members oldtimers club Zagreb Marijan Matečić: and Joseph Smolković: have driven the Fiat 500 C Belvedere from 1954th and Alga Romeo Giulietta Spider in 1960, both in great condition.
Rajko Hlanuda from Opatija came with the Mercedes Benz 280 SL Automatik, Pagoda, in 1968. On the set of his company made Sait Hadzic with these same car, different color.
Miklavž Kržišnik from Slovenia have driven the Austin Healey 100-6 BN4 from the 1958th, also in excellent condition.
The oldest American car was Willys Knight from 1927, The company that would later celebrate the production of Jeeps, owner Branko Bogdanovic.
Bora Nastasic came with Pontiac Star Chief-TV in 1954, and his brother Nicholas Nastasic with car Chrysler Airstream 1936th American society has made them de Ville Cadillac Series 62 from the 1957th, V 8 engine, 5300 cc, 320 hp, Gravity 2.500 kg, owner Slobodan Nikolic. The car is driven only 26,000 miles on it is all original, and tires. Purchased in čortanovci and the last 45 years has been in the garage. Of the American car was there and one convertible Ford Mustang
the first generation. Pressing the button owner opened the awning. Away from Opatija on his Mercedes to have to do it manually. But what is better and more practical.
Nice collection of American cars whose main characteristic is the size and lots of chrome.
Milorad čolović: from Zemun came with his Spacek, Citoen 2CV, in 1968, With which the daily drives. From Citroen's car He was accompanied by another Duck, the two famous models DS, his successor CX and an associate of the Citroen SM in 1973, With Maserati V 6 engine, 2,800 cc, 180 hp, one of the most intriguing in the history of the car, which immediately able to buy.
Porsche was zastuljen with two cars, models 356 and 911
British auto industry was represented with more Triumph Spitfire and a TR6, Rolls Royce Silver Shadow-TV, Morris Oxford-TV Diesel of 1950, Having Zoran associate professor, and an MGA.
Guests from Hungary have stepped Brits with some nice single-player Jaguar E-type and the Triumph Spitfire included.
The auto industry of the former GDR was there with Wartburg included 312 from the 1966th, having Srdjan Rakic.
There were several motorcycles, including Moto Guzzi Nuovo Falcone out in 1973.
The group headed towards Pancevo, with a visit to the museum of motorcycles and back to Belgrade, the plateau in front of City Hall. The next day ride to the Museum of Aviation, and the Hippodrome.
See you.
Alfa Romeo Giulietta Spider 1960
Alfa Romeo Giulietta Spider 1960
Austin Healey 100 - 6 BN4 1958
Cadillac de Ville Series 62 1957
Cadillac de Ville Series 62 1957
Cadillac de Ville Series 62 1957
Cadillac de Ville Series 62 1957
Cadillac de Ville Series 62 1957
Cadillac de Ville Series 62 1957
Cadillac de Ville Series 62 1957
Cadillac de Ville Series 62 1957
Cadillac de Ville Series 62 1957
Chrysler Air Stream 1936
Chrysler Air Stream 1936
Chrysler Air Stream 1936
Citroen 2CV 1968
Citroen 2CV 1968
Citroen CX
Daimler Barker DB 18 Sport Special 1951
Daimler Barker DB 18 Sport Special 1951
Daimler Barker DB 18 Sport Special 1951
Ford Mustang
Jaguar E-Type
Mercedes Benz 280 SL Automatic 1968
Mercedes Benz 280 SL Automatic 1968
Mercedes Benz 280 SL Automatic 1968
Mercedes Benz 280 SL Automatic 1968
Mercedes Benz 280 SL Automatic 1968
Moto Guzzi Nuovo Falcone 1973
Opel Kapitan 1952 back, Opel Olympia 1952
Opel Kapitan 1952
Pontiac Star Chief 1954
Pontiac Star Chief 1954
Triumph Spitfire
Triumph Spitfire
Rolls Royce Silver Shadow and Triumph TR6
Wartburg 312 1966
Mercedes Benz 280 SL Automatic 1968
Willys Knight 1927
Willys Knight 1927