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Gumballa 3000 through Belgrade, Serbia 2011

Gumballa 3000 through Belgrade, Serbia 2011 Photos and Stories.

2011-05-31, Beograd, Serbia

Photos and story provided by Ljubomir Ivanović Contact Photographer for Information.

Gumballa 3000 through Belgrade, Serbia 2011 is indebted to Ljubomir Ivanovic and our European Envoy, Zoran Calic, for the photos and information on this event.

Gumballa 3000 runs through Belgrade

It was an opportunity to see Lavish cars. The Gumballa 3000 stopping of in Belgrade provided the people a lot of noise, smoke, smoke cans and hot tires and participants handing out stickers.

There were several women's teams, which was a pleasant rewarded for the guys who were in the parking lot outside the hotel.

Rolls-Royce had two models in the field, a Phantom and Phantom Drophead Coupe convertible, surprising large and massive cars . Lamborghini was the most common, with Murcielago, convertible Gallardo Spyder in the field.

Also there was an abundance of Aston Martin, Ferraris including two 458 Italia, several Bentley's coupe and convertibles, a lot of Porsches, Spyker and a Renault 4.


Predstava bogatih za publiku je prošla Beogradom. Puno buke, škripe guma, dima iz dimnih limenki i vrelih guma. Jedna gitara je olupana o tvrdu glavu istetoviranog ucesnika, a delovi baceni u publiku. Pratece ekipe snimatelja su sve vredno beležile. Brojna publika se lepo zabavljala. Ucesnici su delili nalepnice, špilove karata.

Najsrdacnije su pozdravljene clanice kompletno ženske ekipe.

Bila je to i prilika da se vide skupoceni automobili. Najvredniji je verovatno bio Bugatti Veyron. Pri polasku suvozac je galantno nagradio momke koji su na parkingu ispred hotela cuvali automobil.

Rolls-Royce je imao dva predstavnika, Phantom i kabriolet Phantom Drophead Coupe.

Iznenadujuce veliki i masivni automobili.

Medu više Astom Martina ekskluzivan je bio model One-77, sa ogromnim karbonskim disk kocnicama.

Lamborgini je bio, cini se, najzastupljeniji. Jedan Murcielago i veci broj modela Gallardo i kabriolet Gallardo Spyder-a.

Uz više Ferrarija i dva 458 Italia. Nekoliko automobila Bentey, kupe i kabriolet i dosta Porsche-a. Jedan preradeni Renault 4. I jedan Spyker.

Story and images provided by Ljubomir Ivanovic

Gumballa 3000 Belgrade 2011

Gumballa 3000 Belgrade 2011
Ljubomir Ivanovic Photo 2011

Gumballa 3000 Belgrade 2011

Gumballa 3000 Belgrade 2011
Ljubomir Ivanovic Photo 2011

Gumballa 3000 Belgrade 2011

Gumballa 3000 Belgrade 2011
Ljubomir Ivanovic Photo 2011

Gumballa 3000 Belgrade 2011

Gumballa 3000 Belgrade 2011
Ljubomir Ivanovic Photo 2011

Gumballa 3000 Belgrade 2011

Gumballa 3000 Belgrade 2011
Ljubomir Ivanovic Photo 2011

Gumballa 3000 Belgrade 2011

Gumballa 3000 Belgrade 2011
Ljubomir Ivanovic Photo 2011

Gumballa 3000 Belgrade 2011

Gumballa 3000 Belgrade 2011
Ljubomir Ivanovic Photo 2011

Gumballa 3000 Belgrade 2011

Gumballa 3000 Belgrade 2011
Ljubomir Ivanovic Photo 2011

Gumballa 3000 Belgrade 2011

Gumballa 3000 Belgrade 2011
Ljubomir Ivanovic Photo 2011

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