Delta City Mall, Belgrade Car Show 2013
Delta City Mall, Belgrade Car Show 2013 Photos and Stories.
Car Show, Auto Show, 2013-11-04, Delta City Mall, Belgrade, Serbia<
Photos and story provided by Ljubomir Ivanovic Contact Photographer for Information.
Delta City Mall, Belgrade Car Show 2013
In the circle of 6
The Mall, Delta City, in Belgrade, in celebration of its 6th birthday received 6 cars from Bratislava Brace Petkovic Automobile Museum's rich collection of vintage vehicles.
The oldest car on display was a handsome blue convertible coupe Aero 10 XP500 from the 1929 with two plus seats, and two additional seats in the back following the fashion of that time, and placed in the trunk of the car. The car is powered with a two cylinders engine with a capacity of 662 cc ; and output of 18 hp. Maximum speed of 90 km / hour driven through a three forward gears plus reverse transmission. The car was produced in the famous Czechoslovak factory Aero better known for manufacturing airplanes. As proof of the former, Czechoslovak forces PCD in general, especially BETWEEN the two world wars.
Also on display a Ford Model A convertible from 1930 with two plus two seats, where the two additional seats are located in the trunk. The Ford has an engine with four cylinders in line, displacement of 3368 cc, 40 hp power, top speed 100 km / hour, and a three speed transmission plus reverse gear. The Model A is the successor of the famous Model T, the second best-selling car of all time.
The following cars have a history of appearing in Hollywood movies about gangsters.
The huge Auburn Supercharged Speedster from 1935, a two-seater convertible, was a car that Hollywood movie stars would ride in. The Auburn Company went bankrupt 1937. The displayed car is a replica and was made in 1973 and powered by Ford V8 engine. Some say that the Auburn replica should not be place among the old-fashioned cars. However, it was made absolutely true to the original.
The next is delightful and most rare car in this exhibition, the 1938 BMW 327/328, and is a beautiful sporty two-seater. The car has a six cylinders in-line engine with displacement of 1970 cc, output of 80 hp, top speed 150 km / hour. The Transmission has four gears plus reverse. The car is currently under restoration.
A 1956 MG MGA two-seater convertible with wire wheels is a typical representation of early British sports cars. This MG was completely restored. The owner lives in Germany and is a big fan of vintage cars. He buys them, restored and entrusts them to Braci Petkovic care. The car has a four-cylinder engine with a displacement of 1489 cc, at 72 hp, top speed of 157 km / hour, the Transmission has four gears plus reverse.
A another representative of the former British school of sports cars is the 1969 two-seater convertible Triumph TR6. It was produced in the famous Germany company Karmann, which is best known for producing VW convertibles. The owner is Dalibor Ruzic, a famous carcollector, and frequently displayed with the Museum cars.The TR has an engine with six cylinders in line, displacement of 2499 cc, at 154 hp, top speed 198 km / hour. The Transmission has four gears plus reverse.
A rare chance for many people to see these rare cars.
Ljubomir Ivanovic

U znaku broja 6
Tržni centar Delta city u Beogradu obeležaa svoj 6. rodendan. Kako bi proslava bila što svecanija Muzej automobila, vlasništvo Bratislava Brace Petkovica, izložio je 6 automobila iz svoje bogate zbirke starovremenskih vozila.
Najstariji izloženi automobil bio je lepi plavi kabriolet kupe Aero 10 XP500 iz 1929., sa 2 plus dva sedišta, pri cemu su dodatna dva sedišta, kao što je u to vreme bila moda, bila smeštena u gepek automobila i otvarala se sa otvaranjem gepeka. Automobil ima motor sa dva cilindra, zapremine 662 ccm, snage 18 ks, maksimalne brzine 90 km/cas, sa menjacem sa tri stepena prenosa plus rikverc. Automobil je proizveden u poznatoj cehoslovackoj fabrici Aero poznatijoj po proizvodnji aviona, dokaz nekadašnje snage cehoslovacke indistrije uopšte, posebno izmešu dva svetska rata. Sledici je kupe Ford Model A iz 1930., , takode kabriole sa dva plus dva sedišta, pri cemu se, takode, dva dodatna sedišta nalaze u gepeku. Automobil ima motor sa cetiri cilindra u redu, zapremine 3368 ccm, snage 40 ks, maksimalne brzine 100 km/cas, sa menjacem sa tri stepena prenosa plus rikverc. On je naslednik cuvenog Modela T, drugog na listi najprodavanijih automobila svih vremena. Ovakvi automobili su se casto pojavljivali u holivudskim filmovima o ganksterima.
Za njima ogromni Auburn Speedster Supercharged iz 1935., dvosed kabriolet, automobil kojim su se vozile holivudske filmske zvezde. Firma je bankrotirala 1937. Izloženi automobil je replika i izraden je 1973. godine i pokrece ga V8 Fordov motor. Neki kažu da mu nije mesto medu starovremenskim automobilima. Ipak, raden je potpuno verno originalu.
Sledeci je navredniji i najredi automobil na ovoj izložbi, BMW 327/328, prelep sportski dvosed.
Automobil ima motor sa šest cilindra u redu, zapremine 1970 ccm, snage 80 ks, maksimalne brzine 150 km/cas, sa menjacem sa cetiri stepena prenosa plus rikverc. Automobil je u fazi restauriranja.
Dvosed kabriolet MG MGA iz 1956. je tipican predstavnik nekadašnje britanske škole sportskih automobila, sa žicanim felnama. Potpuno je restauriran. Vlasnik živi u Nemackoj i veliki je ljubitelj starovremenskih automobila. Kupuje ih, restaurira i poverava Braci Petkovicu nacuvanje. Automobil ima motor sa cetiri cilindra, zapremine 1489 ccm, snage 72 ks, maksimalne brzine 157 km/cas, sa menjacem sa cetiri stepena prenosa plus rikverc.
I dvosed kabriolet Triumph TR6 iz 1969. je takode predstavnik nekadašnje britanske škole sportskih automobila. Proizvodio se u poznatoj nemackoj firmi Karmann, koja je najpoznatija po proizvodnji VW kabrioleta pre svega. Vlasništvo je Dalibora Ružica, poznatog kolekcionara automobila, i stalno je izložen u Muzeju automobila.
Automobil ima motor sa šest cilindra u redu, zapremine 2499 ccm, snage 154 ks, maksimalne brzine 198 km/cas, sa menjacem sa cetiri stepena prenosa plus rikverc.
Lepa prilika da ove retke automobile vidi što veci broj ljudi.
Ljubomir Ivanovic

Aero 10 XP500 1929
Descriptive Poster For This Car - JPG file

Aero 10 XP500 1929

Aero 10 XP500 1929

Aero 10 XP500 1929

Aero 10 XP500 1929

Aero 10 XP500 1929

Aero 10 XP500 1929

Aero 10 XP500 1929

Aero 10 XP500 1929 Bage

Auburn Supercharged Speedster 1973 replica
Descriptive Poster For This Car - JPG file

Auburn Supercharged Speedster 1973 replica

Auburn Supercharged Speedster 1973 replica

Auburn Supercharged Speedster 1973 Bage

BMW 327/328 1938
Descriptive Poster For This Car - JPG file

BMW 327/328 1938

BMW 327/328 1938

BMW 327/328 1938

BMW 327/328 1938

Ford Model A 1930
Descriptive Poster For This Car - JPG file

Ford Model A 1930

Ford Model A 1930

Ford Model A 1930

Ford Model A 1930

Ford Model A 1930

MGA 1956

MGA 1956

MGA 1956

Triumph TR6 1956
Descriptive Poster For This Car - JPG file

Triumph TR6 1956

Triumph TR6 1956
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