Cveti Family Patron's Day, Belgrade 2011
Cveti Family Patron's Day, Belgrade 2011 Photos and Stories.
Cveti Family Patron's Day Car Show, 2011-04-09, Transport Engineering Faculty, Belgrade, Serbia
Photos and story provided by Ljuba Ivanovic Contact Photographer for Information.
Cveti Family Patron's Day, Belgrade 2011
At this year's gathering Uduženja motoring historians participated. Available were about 170 vehicles, which included cars, motorcycles and a bus .
The event was in the Square in front of Transport Engineering Faculty in Belgrade where Mercedes Benz celebrated 125 years of the first patented automobile.
The oldest car at the rally was a Hudson Super-Six Model A Sedan from 1927, and a Ford T Touring from 1927. An attractive 1956 Ford Thunderbird was also on hand.
Among the participants were guests from Italy, France, Croatian, BiH, Montenegro, Romania, Hungary and a delegation from Slovenia. Included were 54, members of the alliance Starodobna vehicles Slovenia who came by bus.
There were lectures by Vladimir Veselinovic, the first Serbian driver, and Sreten Kostic, who had demonstrated his skills in the Kali Albanian gorges, the Salonika front, and the Little Entente rally, driven 1938.
After the lecture there was an organized ride through the streets of Belgrade and in front of the Assembly of the exhibition. is indebted to our European Envoy, Zoran Calic, and Ljuba Ivanovic for the photos and information on this event.
Na ovogodišnjem skupu Uduženja istoricara automobilizma učestvovalo je oko 170 starovremenskuh vozila,
automobila, motocikala i jedan autobus.
Centralno mesto na placu ispred Saobraćajnog fakulteta u Beogradu imala su vozila Mercedes Benza,
koji je slavio 125 godina kako je patentirao prvi automobil.
Najstarija vozila na skupu bili su Hadson Super-Six Model O Sedan iz 1927., vlasništvo Saita Hađića, i
Ford T Touring iz 1927. iz Muzeja automobila.
Atraktivan je bio automobil Ford Thunderbird iz 1956. vlasništvo Nenada Živkovića.
Medu učesnicima bili su i gosti iz Italije, Francuske, Hrvatske, BiH, Rumunije, Madarske i delegacija iz Slovenije,
njih 54, članovi saveza Starodobna vozila Slovenije (, koji su doýli autobusom.
Predavanja su održana pred punim amfiteatrom. Posebno interesantna bila su predavanja
Vladimira Veselinovića o prvom srpskom vozaču Sretenu Kostiću, koji je svoje veštine kalio na albanskim gudurama i solunskom frontu, i
Nebojše Đordevica o reliju male Antante, voženom 1938. godine na relaciji Prag, Bukurešt, Beograd.
Nakon predavanja organizovana je voznja ulicama Beograda i izložba ispred skupštine grada.
Gosti iz Slovenije su prisutne u Muzeju automobila upoznali sa njihovim radom.
Ljuba Ivanovic je dugujemo naškoda;im europskim izaslanika, Zoran Calic, Ljuba Ivanovic za fotografije i podatke o ovom dogadaju.
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