Balkanska Minijada 2013
Balkanska Minijada 2013 Photos and Stories.
Mini Car Meet, 2013-06-28 - 2013-06-30, Čenej Airfield, >Novi Sad, Serbia
Photos and story provided by Ljubomir Ivanovic Contact Photographer for Information.
Balkanska Minijada 2013
Mini is probably the most reconized product of the British industry in general, although its designer, Sir Alek Isigonis (Sir Alec Issigonis), by origin was Greek. It is also one of the few true icons of the world automotive industry.
Produced from the 1959 until 2000, and during that time more than 5,000,000 copies were made.
Today, the owner of the trademark rights to the Mini is the BMW manufacturing firm that is also a successful selling Minis, although it is now a completely different vehicle. International Conference, which brings together lovers of classic Mini cars called "Balkan Minijada 2013" was held in Novi Sad on 28 to 30 June. The central event was organized on Saturday 29th June airfield "Čenej" near Novi Sad
Like two years ago, and this, the fifth "Balkan Minijada" was organized in Novi Sad. Mini Club Serbia decided that this year, guests from abroad leads in Vojvodina plain and promotion of rural tourism and sports airport Čenej his best performance of tourist destinations of Serbia and Serbian citizens most small English car.
At this year's meeting was about 50 Mini, less than what was announced and expected. Since most numerous guests were teams from Slovenia, then Greece, Hungary and Macedonia. The outermost entrant came from Finland.
In the afternoon wagon Mini is from the airport went to Novi Sad. Cars were parked on Liberty Square to Novi Sad and be able to see them.
In the evening, the club "Giardino", organized a major theme Mini Disco Party where everyone was welcome. A good time was guaranteed with music from the UK. This is an official part of the meeting was over.
Follow-up comment: by AllCarCentral's Geoff Wheatley
Nice to see that the Mini is still popular throughout the world. The original car was the result of a study that had been completed by Morris Car Company as early as 1963. As a result a team was set up to design this small car that was seen as a rival to the then popular Austin A 30. The idea and design of the cross power engine driving the front wheel was the creation of the so-called Greek who in reality was British born with a Greek name. He was one of the leading designers in the UK including his work during WWII. The current Mini is quite a different animal from the original and was designed by BMW to be made in the UK, which is the case today. No one ever thought that this car in both versions would be so popular and some of us are waiting for Stage Three in the Mini story!
Četvrti Minijada 2013
Proizvodio se od 1959. do 2000. za koje vreme je proizveden u više od 5,000.000 primeraka. Danas je vlasnik zaštitnog znaka Mini i prava na proizvodnju firma BMW koja to sa velikim uspehom eksploatiše, iako su to sada neka potpuno druga vozila.
Međunarodni skup koji okuplja ljubitelje klasičnih Mini automobila pod nazivom "Balkanska Minijada 2013" održan je u Novom Sadu od 28. do 30. juna. Centralni događaj organizovan je u subotu 29. juna na sportskom aerodromu "čenej" kraj Novog Sada.
Kao i pre dve godine, i ova, peta "Balkanska Minijada" organizovana je u Novom Sadu. Mini klub Srbije se odlučio da ove godine goste iz inostranstva vodi u vojvođansku ravnicu i, uz promociju seoskog turizma i sportskog aerodroma čenej, u najboljem svetlu predstavi turističke destinacije Srbije, a građanima Srbije najpoznatiji mali engleski auto.
Na ovogodišnjem skupu bilo je oko 50 Minija, manje nego što je najavljeno i očekivano. Od gostiju najbrojnije su bile ekipe iz Slovenije, zatim Grčke, Mađarske i Makedonije. Najudaljeniji ušesnik došao je iz Finske.
Najstariji Mini na skupu bio je crveni Austin Cooper MkI iz 1965. vlasništvo Karla Bajta iz Slovenije. Minijima je društvo pravio još jedan Britanac, Rols Rojs gosta iz Slovenije. Kao i ranijih godina, ovogodišnji skup pomogla je kompanija Foerch čije su se velike nalepnice krasile zadnje prozore svih Minija.
Jedan ovakav skup nije mogao da prođe i bez Red Bulla koga su predstavljala dva nova Minija. Skup je započeo revijalnom vožnjom od hotela "Novi Sad" do aerodroma "čenej".
Centralni deo skupa održan je na sportskom aerodromu gde su za učesnike bile organizovane različite igre i takmičenja (natezanje konopca, takmičenje u brzom menjanju točka, vožnja spretnosti, različite igre iz poznavanja Mini istorije i slično) i dodeljene nagrade najuspešnijima. Učesnici su se družili uz kotlić, a bilo je organizovano i letenje i skakanje sa padobranom sa članovima Aeorukluba" Novi Sad".
U popodnevnim časovima karavan Minija je sa aerodroma krenuo ka Novom Sadu. Automobili su bili parkirani na Trg slobode kako bi i Novosađani mogli da ih vide. Uveče, u klubu "Giardino", organizovana je veliki tematski Mini Disco Party gde su svi bili dobrodošli. Dobar provod bio je zagarantovan uz muziku iz Velike Britanije. Time je zvanični deo susreta bio završen.

Minis is a company made another Briton, Rawls Rojs guests from Slovenia. As in previous years, this year's collection has helped the company Foerch which have large stickers adorn the windows of all the latest Mini.

The oldest Mini at the rally was a red Austin Cooper MKI. 1965, having Karla byte from Slovenia.

One such event is not able to pass and no Red Bull, who are represented by two new Mini. The event was started revial drive from the hotel "Novi Sad" to the airport "Čenej".

The central part of meeting held on airfield where the participants were organized various games and competitions (strain rope competition in a fast changing point, driving skills, knowledge of different game from Mini history, etc.) The most successful and awarded prizes.

Participants were mingled with the cauldron, and was organized and flying and parachuting with members Aeorukluba "Novi Sad".

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