Auto e Moto d'Epoca 2014
Auto e Moto d'Epoca 2014 Photos and Stories.
Vintage vehicle fair, Auto e Moto
2014-10-23 - 2014-10-26, Fiera Di Padova, Padova, Italy
Photos and story provided by Ljubomir Ivanović Contact Photographer for Information.
Auto e Moto d'Epoca 2014
The vintage vehicle fair, Auto e Moto d'Epoca at Padova is the largest international event of this type in Europe and with its long tradition brings together a large number of exhibitors and visitors.
It was an opportunity to see some exceptional cars of various criteria, year of manufacture, exclusivity, value, sporting successes and place in automotive history.
In addition there were sellers of original and remanufactured parts, lots of books on automobiles, magazines and brochures.
U Padovi je održan sajam starovremenskih vozila pod nazivom Auto e Moto d'Epoca. Ovo najveća sajamska manifestacija u Evropi tog tipa, sa dugogodišnjom tradicijom, okupila je, kao i uvek, veliki broj izlagača i posetilaca.
Bila je to prilika da se vide neki izuzetni automobil, po raznim kriterijumima, godini proizvodnje, ekskluzivnosti, vrednosti, mestu u istoriji automobilizma, sportskim uspesima.
Bilo je to i prilika da se vidi kuda se kreće tržište starovremenskih vozila, pre svega italijanskih, jer se i sajam održavao u Italiji. Prilika za neke da prodaju svoje vozilo, a za neke da kupe. U velikom broju izloženih automobila teško je izabrati najinteresantnije.

Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 Touring Superleggera 1939
Because the fair was held in Italy, it was also an opportunity to see where the market is moving vintage vehicles, primarily Italian. There was also opportunity to sell your car, and for some to buy one.
However with such a large number of cars displayed it is difficult to choose the most interesting.

Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 Touring Superleggera 1939
There were a lot of Alfa Romeo's including the quick, Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 Touring Superleggera from 1939 and the Alfa Romeo Disco Volante Coupe from 1952.

Alfa Romeo Disco Volante Coupe 1952
Among the oldest cars at the fair was the Fiat Tipo 5 of 1910, with engine size 9017 cc, at 75 hp , with body by the French firm Rothschild.
Među najstarijim automobilima na sajmu bio je FIAT tipo 5 iz 1910. godine, sa motorom zapremine 9.017 ccm, snage 75 ks, sa karoserijom francuske firme Rotschild.

Alfa Romeo Disco Volante Coupe 1952

Dalahaye 135 1949
There was one outstanding convertible from the French company Dalahaye, model 135 from 1949.

Ford Model T
Fair and exhibition of vintage vehicles is unthinkable without the Ford Model T.
Sajam i izložba starovremenskih vozila je nezamisliva bez automobila Ford T.
Tu je bio elegantni i luksuzni automobil Isotta Fraschini 8A iz 1928., sa motorom sa osam cilindara u liniji, zapremine 7.300 ccm, snaga prema dekleraciji proizvođača - dovoljna, sa menjačem sa 3 brzine napred i rikverc, sa hidrauličnim doboš kočnicama. Firma je prodavala samo šasiju i motor, kao što je bio običaj kod proizvođača luksuznih automobila tog doba. Karoseriju ovog automobila uradila je firma Cesare Sala iz Milana, samo jedan komad. Isotta Fraschini je, osim po proizvodnji luksuznih automobila, bila poznata i po proizvodnji avionskih motora. Bilo je puno automobila Alfa Romeo. Među njjima Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 Touring Superleggera iz 1939. godine. Do njega Alfa Romeo Disco Volante Coupe iz 1952.

Isotta Fraschini 8A 1928
There was an elegant and luxurious Isotta Fraschini 8A of 1928, with an eight cylinders in line, 7300 cc engine. Output power Declaration - 'sufficient', with a three speeds forward and reverse transmission, and hydraulic drum brakes. The company was selling just the chassis and engine, as was the custom among the luxury cars of that era. The body of this car was by Cesare Sala of Milan, just one made. Isotta Fraschini was famous for the production of aircraft engines as well as for the production of luxury cars.

Lamborghini 400 2 + 2 1966-1968
The honor of the Italian GT cars was defended by the Lamborghini 400 2 + 2, produced from 1966 to 1968 ...

Lamborghini Miura 1966-1972
and the Lamborghini Miura, that was produced from 1966 to 1972, which, according to some, the first super car.

Porsche 906 Carrera 6 1966
In the competition cars was the Porsche 906 Carrera 6 of 1966, with all its sporting glory.

Volvo P1800
The honor of the Swedish company Volvo was defended by still stylish model, the P1800 ...

Volvo 1800E
and the older model 1800E.
Bio je tu i jedan izvanredan kabriolet francuske firme Dalahaye, model 135 iz 1949. čast italijanskih GT automobila branili su Lamborghini 400 2+2, proizvodio se od 1966. do 1968., I Lamborghini Miura, proizvodio se od 1966. do 1972., po nekima prvi super automobil. čast švedske firme Volvo branili su čuvenii modeli P1800, automobil filmskog Svetca, i njegov stariji brat model 1800Es
Od takmičarskoh automobila bio je i Porsche 906 Carrera 6 iz 1966., ovenčan sportskom slavom. Osim automobila bili su izloženi i rezervno delovi, originalni ili urađeni prema originalu. Bilo je puno knjiga o automobilizm, časopisa i prospekata.

Zastava 750
The Zastava 750 was the result of joint contracts from all over former Yugoslavia. Running from Triglava to Đevđelije.
At this event the Former Yugoslavia was represented by Italian Giorgio Andrian, a great lover of old-vintage cars, especially the FIAT. He is the owner of a FIAT 500 D of 1964 and a member of the Fiat 500 Club Italia. He exhibited this Zastava 750, and with the help of friends from Sombora prepared and painted like the one in the film "National Class".
In the championship of Yugoslavia, the largest class is the National Class where the Zastava 750, is the most popular car and has drivers from all over former Yugoslavia, from Triglava to Đevđelije racing them.
Automobil Zastava 750 je rezultat zajedničkog rada preduza iz cele bivše Jugoslavije, od Triglava do Đevđelije. Nacionalna klasa, koja se vozila za šampionat Jugoslavije, najmasovnija klasa, u kojoj su se vozili automobili Zastava 750, okupljla je vozače iz cele bivše jugoslavije, od Triglava do Đevđelije.
Na ovoj manifestaciji bivšu Jugoslaviju je zastupao Italijan Giorgio Andrian, veliki zaljubljenik u starovremenske automobile, posebno firme FIAT, vlasnik automobila FIAT 500 D iz 1964. i član FIAT 500 Club Italia. On je izložio automobil Zastava 750, Fića, koji je uz pomoć prijatelja iz Sombora pripremljen i ofarban kao Fića iz filma "Nacionalna klasa".
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