AMK Veteran Vozdovac Old Time Vehicle Gathering, Serbia 2011
AMK Veteran Vozdovac Old Time Vehicle Gathering, Serbia 2011 Photos and Stories.
Photos and story provided by Ljubomir Ivanovic Contact Photographer for Information.
AMK Veteran Vozdovac Old Time Vehicle Gathering, Serbia 2011
AMK Veteran Voždovac organizovao susret starovremenskih vozila
Po tradiciji, AMK Veteran Voždovac organizovao je susret vlasnika starovremenskih vozila na parkingu ispred opštine Voždovac. Okupilo se tridesetak vozila članova kluba i gostiju. Ovo je inače 29. godina rada ovog kluba, najstarijeg ove vrste u nas. Najstarije vozilo na skupu bila VW Buba iz 1953., vlasništvo Todora Skorića. Istinu govoreći prekoputa ulice na parkingu bila je jedna ista takva VW Buba sličnog godišta, doduše zaključana.
Kao da su ovaj skup obelezila vozila Citroëna. Po prvi put na ovakvim skupovima pojavio se Citroën 2CV 4 Spaček iz 1961. proizveden u fabrici Tomos u Kopru, vlasništvo Branislava Mrkojevića. Automobil je taze restauriran, što bi rekli, od glave do pete. Takode odličan bio je Citroën Ami 6 iz 1967., vlasništvo Branka Vidivića. Jedina žena učesnik ovog skupa Mira Mrvić došla je sa svojom Citroën Dyanom proizvedenom 1977. u, tada, Cimosu u Kopru. Ona je prvi vlasnik vozila koje je u originalnom stanju. Na automobilu je još prva farba, a na brojčaniku se nalazi brojka 40.257 koliko je km do sada prečao ovaj automobil.
Bilo je još, zaista, odličnih automobila i motocikala.
Ljubomir Ivanovic 2011
The AMK Veteran Voždovac Old Time Vehicle Gathering.
The AMK Veteran Voždovac held their traditional Old Time Vehicle Gathering in the parking lot in front of Voždovac. This is the 29th year of the club, which is the oldest of its kind in Serbia.
The oldest vehicle in the event was a VW Beetle from 1953., owned by Todor Skoric. Of note there was a similar VW of like age, in the spectator lot.
Citroën vehicle owners also join and for the first time at the event was a restored 1961 Citroën 2CV 4 Spaček along with an excellent 1967 Citroën Ami 6. Mrvić Mira came with his 1977 Citroën Dyane. Mrvić Mira is the original owner of this car which has only traveled 40,254 km and still has its original paint.
This years show provided a great collection of cars and motorcycles.
Story and images provided by Ljubomir Ivanovic
AMK Veteran Vozdovac Old Time Vehicle Gathering Serbia 2011
VW 1953
AMK Veteran Vozdovac Old Time Vehicle Gathering Serbia 2011
AMK Veteran Vozdovac Old Time Vehicle Gathering Serbia 2011
AMK Veteran Vozdovac Old Time Vehicle Gathering Serbia 2011
AMK Veteran Vozdovac Old Time Vehicle Gathering Serbia 2011
AMK Veteran Vozdovac Old Time Vehicle Gathering Serbia 2011
AMK Veteran Vozdovac Old Time Vehicle Gathering Serbia 2011
AMK Veteran Vozdovac Old Time Vehicle Gathering Serbia 2011
AMK Veteran Vozdovac Old Time Vehicle Gathering Serbia 2011
AMK Veteran Vozdovac Old Time Vehicle Gathering Serbia 2011
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