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9th Annual Meeting of the Association of Historians of Motorsports Lectures

9th Annual Meeting of the Association of Historians of Motorsports Lectures Photos and Stories.

2015-04-25 - 2015-04-26, Belgrade Museum of Yugoslav History, Belgrade, Serba

Photos and story provided by Ljubomir Ivanović Contact Photographer for Information.


GALLERY 2 Lectures

9th Annual Meeting of the Association of Historians of Motorsports Lectures

9th Annual Meeting of the Association of Historians of Motorsports

What makes the difference compared to other conferences of vintage vehicles are the automotive history lesson. The members of the Association, are especially proud, the true essence of this gathering.

Lectures are the result of years of research by the members of the Association and illustrated by extremely rare and high-quality photos.

In the Hall of the museum held the following lectures by Association members and guests from Bulgaria:

1. The development of public transport in Belgrade to in 1941.
2. Knjaževčani, members of the Royal Automobile Club, section Nis
3. Vera Kostić
4. Bulgarreno (guest lecture from Bulgaria)
5. 60 years Exhale
6. Mercedes-Benz 600 pullman Lando - within the promotion of books "Automobiles and Josip Broz Tito 1912 - 1980"

The meeting discussed the book " Automobiles and Josip Broz Tito 1912 - 1980" by Miroslava Milutinovića, a member of the Association of Historians of motorsports, published by the Official Gazette of Belgrade.

The book is the result of many years of research work by the author, using domestic and foreign archives, both civilian and military. The author spoke with direct witnesses, drivers, mechanics and family members of Josip Broz.

The book is described in detail and documented photographically over 80 vehicles, motorcycles, cars, vans, as those which directly drove Josip Broz, and those who were accompanying him, those he received as a gift and those that he gave.

To illustrate, this book reveled that the car used by Josip Broz Tito, was a Mercedes Benz W114 230.6 LWB (extended wheelbase) with manual, produced in 1973, with three rows of seats, instead of the accepted Mercedes Benz 600 Pullman, The W114 was not as well known, as were the 600 models.

At last year's conference was presented the book " Automobili and Karađorđevića dynasty 1908 - 1941" by Miroslava Milutinovića, a member of the Association of Historians of motorsports, published by the Official Gazette of Belgrade.

For both books it could be said that they are capital works on history of motor sport, worldwide. Members of the Association of Historians of motorsports have so far released several valuable books.

A Book on the Grand Prix of Belgrade, race car forerunner of Formula 1, held on 3 September 1939 at the track around Kalemegdana, two days after the start of World War II.

A Book of the Grand Prix of Belgrade, the races held in 1967, 1968 and 1969 at the opening of the famous track, which set the framework of the European Cup for tourist cars.

  9th Annual Meeting of the Association of Historians of Motorsports

9. godišnji skup Udruženja istoričara automobilizma

Ovaj međunarodni skup starovremenskih vozila je najveći regionalni skup toga tipa. Ono što čini razliku u odnosu na ostale skupova starovremenskih vozila su predavanje iz istorije automobilistike, na šta su posebno ponosni članovi Udruženja, prava suština ovog skupa, malo skrenuta od pažne posetilaca.

Predavanja su rezultat dugogodišnjeg istraživačkog rada članova Udruženja i ilustrovana su izuzetno retkim i kvalitetnim fotografijama. U sali muzeja održana su sledeća predavanja članova Udruženja i gosta iz Bugarske:

1. Razvoj javnog gradskog saobraćaja u Beogradu do 1941.
2. Knjaževčani, članovi Kraljevskog automobilskog kluba, sekcija Niš
3. Vera Kostić
4. Bulgarreno (gostujuće predavanje iz Bugarske)
5. 60 godina fiće
6. Mercedes-Benc 600 pulman landole - u okviru promocije knjige „Automobili i Josip Broz Tito 1912 - 1980“

Na skupu je predstavljena knjiga „Automobili i Josip Broz Tito 1912 - 1980“, autora Miroslava Milutinovića, člana Udruženja istoričara automobilizma, u izdanju Službenog glasnika iz Beograda.

Knjiga je rezultat dugogodišnjeg istraživačkog rada autora, uz korišćenje domačih i inostranih arhiva, civilnih i vojnih. Autor je razgovarao sa neposrednim svedocima, vozačima, mehaničarina, članovima porodice Josipa Broza.

U knjizi je detaljno obrađeno i fotografski dokumentovano preko 80 vozila, motocikala, automobila, kombija, kako onih kojima se neposredno vozio Josip Broz, tako i onih koji su bili u njegovoj pratnji, onih koje je dobio na poklon i onih koje je on poklonio.

Kao ilustraciju uz knjigu koje automobile je koristio Josip Broz Tito, umesto najavljenog automobila Mercedes Benz 600 Pullman, bio je izložen automobil Mercedes Benz W114 230.6 LWB (dugaško međuosovinsko rastojanje) Automatic, proizveden 1973, sa tri reda sedišta. Automobil nije bio dovoljno reprezentativan, kao što su bili modeli 600, da bi se u njemu vozio Josip Broz Tito, ali se pretpostavlja da ga je, ipak, u nekoliko posebnih prilika koristio.

Na prošlogodišnjem skupu predstavljena je knjiga „Automobili i dinastija Karađorđevića 1908 - 1941“, autora Miroslava Milutinovića, člana Udruženja istoričara automobilizma, u izdanju Službenog glasnika iz Beograda.

Za obe knjige bi se moglo reći da su kapitalna dela iz oblasti istorije automobilizma, i u svetskim razmerama. Članovi Udruženja istoričara automobilizma do sada su izdali nekoliko vrednih knjiga. Knjigu o Velikoj nagradi Beograda, trci automobila preteča formule 1, održanoj 3. septembra 1939. na stazi oko Kalemegdana, dva dana pošto je počeo II Svetski rat.

Knjigu o Velikoj nagradi Beograda, trkama održanim 1967., 1968. i 1969. na čuvenoj stazi Ušće, trkama voženim u okviru Kupa Evrope za turističke automobile.

  9th Annual Meeting of the Association of Historians of Motorsports


Development of the bus public transport in Belgrade Aleksandar Zajc

Najstarije pominjanje autobuskog saobraćaja u Beogradu potiče iz 1912. godine. Izvesni gospodin Višnjić je organizovao prevoz sa četiri autobusa marke Laurin i Klement. Pred sam Drugi svetski rat, Direkcija tramvaja i osvetljenja je raspolagala sa 87 autobusa koji su obavljali prevoz putnika na 12 linija.


The earliest mention of bus traffic in Belgrade dates from 1912. A certain Mr. Višnjić organized transport four buses Laurin and Klement. Just before World War II, Directorate of trams and light had about 87 buses that were doing the carriage of passengers on 12 lines.

  9th Annual Meeting of the Association of Historians of Motorsports


Članovi Automobilskog kluba Kraljevine Jugoslavije, osnovanog 1922. godine, bili su i Knjaževčani Dragomir Sibinović i Ljubomir Božinović, obojica industrijalci. U upravnom odboru sekcije Niš, osnovane 17. novembra 1940. godine, bio je i Dr. Radivoje Savić, lekar iz Knjaževca, malog grada u istočnoj Srbiji.


Members of the Automobile Club of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, established in 1922, were the Knjaževčani' Dragomir Sibinović and Ljubomir Božinović, both industrialists. The board of directors section of Nis, founded on November 17, 1940, was the Dr. Radivoje Savić a doctor from Knjaževca, a small town in eastern Serbia.

  9th Annual Meeting of the Association of Historians of Motorsports


Nebojša Đorđević

Vera Kostić, veliki poklonik baleta, gimnastike i atletike, prilikom pada je zadobila tešku povredu kičme. Na predlog Predraga Kneževića, šampiona Jugoslavije u auto trkama, Vera se nekoliko godina posvetila auto sportu i zabeležila vredne rezultate, od kojih je najznačajniji šesto mesto u prvom Ju reliju.


Vera Kostić, a big fan of ballet, gymnastics and athletics, in a crash suffered serious injuries of the spine.

The proposal Predrag Knezevic, Yugoslav champion in car races, Vera few years dedicated sports car and recorded valuable results, notably the sixth place in the first Ju rally.

  9th Annual Meeting of the Association of Historians of Motorsports


Posle višegodišnjih pregovora, 20. avgusta 1966. godine, između bugarske firme Bulet i Renoa potpisan je ugovor za montažu francuskih vozila u Bugarskoj. Do maja 1971. napravljeno je ukupno 6.720 automobila, modeli 8 i 10, kao i 60 komada bulgaralpine. Napravljen je i originalan prototip nazvan „Hebros“.


After years of negotiations, on 20 August 1966, between the Bulgarian company Bulet and Renault signed a contract for the installation of French vehicles in Bulgaria. By May 1971, made a total of 6,720 cars, models 8 and 10, as well as 60 pieces Bulgaralpine. Made a original prototype called "Hebros".

  9th Annual Meeting of the Association of Historians of Motorsports

60 GODINA FIĆE 60 YEARS FICE Vladimir Veselinović

Proizvodna statistika Crvene zastave beleži da je 1955. godine proizvedeno 25, a naredne 33 primerka modela “600", u žargonu kasnije nazvanog “fića". Bio je to pravi nacionalni auto, porodični mezimac, vožen na trkama, glumio u filmu, igrao fudbal, a 1969. u njega je uspelo da uđe čak 26 srednjoškolaca!


Production statistics Red Flags notes that in 1955 produced 25, and the next 33 copies of the model "600", in the jargon later called "FICA". It was a national car, the family favorite, ridden at the track, starring in the film, played football, and in 1969 it was able to enter as many as 26 high school students!

  9th Annual Meeting of the Association of Historians of Motorsports

MERCEDES-BENC 600 PULMAN LANDOLE Mercedes-Benz 600 Pulman Lando Miroslav Milutinović

Prilikom posete Sajma automobila u Beogradu 1964, Josip Broz Tito je zapazio novu Mercedes-Bencovu luksuznu limuzinu sa oznakom “600" i prokomentarisao: “O, to je čitava industrija. Ovde šofer mora dobro da zna svoj posao!". Kasnije je Broz u svom voznom parku imao čak sedam ovih reprezentativnih automobila.


During the visit the Car Show in Belgrade in 1964, Josip Broz Tito noticed the new Mercedes-Benco's luxury sedan with "600" and commented: "Oh, that's the whole industry. This driver must be good to know your business! ". Later Broz in its fleet had seven of this model car.

  9th Annual Meeting of the Association of Historians of Motorsports


(promocija knjige) AUTOMOBILI and JOSIP BROZ TITO 1912-1980.

Miroslav Milutinović U knjizi su opisana 82 automobila i tri motocikla koje je lično koristio Josip Broz Tito, odnosno primao i davao kao poklone. Pored glavnih vozila, obrađeni su i automobili i motocikli počasne pratnje i reprezentativni automobili u specijalnom voznom parku garde. Knjiga nudi obilje informacija i fotografija.


The book describes 82 cars and three motorcycles that he personally used by Josip Broz Tito, and receive and give as gifts. In addition to the main vehicles were processed and cars and motorcycles honorary escort and representative cars in a special fleet Guard. The book offers a wealth of information and photos.

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